本日も引き続きTry Rubyにチャレンジ。(>>:入力)(=>:結果)
>>print poem
My toast has flown from my handAnd my toast has gone to the moon.But when I saw it on television,Planting our flag on Halley's comet,More still did I want to eat it.
>>print poemMy honeydew has flown from my handAnd my toast has gone to the moon.But when I saw it on television,Planting our flag on Halley's comet,More still did I want to eat it.
=>"\n.ti tae ot tnaw I did llits eroM\n,temoc s'yellaH no galf ruo gnitnalP\n,noisivelet no ti was I nehw tuB\n.noom eht ot enog sah tsaot ym dnA\ndnah ym morf nwolf sah wedyenoh yM"
>>poem.to_a.reverse=> ["More still did I want to eat it.\n", "Planting our flag on Halley'scomet,\n", "But when I saw it on television,\n", "And my toast has goneto the moon.\n", "My honeydew has flown from my hand\n"]
文の順番がひっくり返りました。ピリオドなどがきちんと表現されていません。>> print poem.to_a.reverse.join
More still did I want to eat it.Planting our flag on Halley's comet,But when I saw it on television,And my toast has gone to the moon.My honeydew has flown from my hand=> nil
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